Friday, August 19, 2005
Congratulations President Bush: You Broke the Record!!!

Heartfelt congratulations to President Bush, who on Friday August 19th breaks Ronald Reagan's all-time record for most vacation days. The old record was 335 days, though Reagan took his sweet time of eight years to accomplish this feat. President Bush did it in nearly half the time. And with another two weeks of vaction on tap, he's obviously not content with simply breaking the record, he's going to smoke that record right out of the hole.
Great going, President Bush! We knew you could do it!
Washington Post Article of August 3rd, when the outcome was still in doubt.
More from The Daily Pick.
posted by Anonymous at 12:33 AM
Don't Forget--Reagan was 25 years older (a genuine senior citizen) and--wait for it--was shot within 100 days of taking office, so his vacation time naturally had to be high.
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Maybe then we should have called it sick leave?
And you know what, this frosts my balls because I've been working here for 10 years and like most Americans I don't get either vacation pay or sick leave.
, at And you know what, this frosts my balls because I've been working here for 10 years and like most Americans I don't get either vacation pay or sick leave.
Well since he doesn't, hasn't, and never will do a damn thing right, it is probably for the best interest of our country that he is on vacation. I mean with the empty space that is between his ears, one could conclude he is/has always been on vacation. I wish he were in Iraq fighting for what his father started instead of here in the U.S.. I am sure our soldiers would be proud to watch him actually serve his country in the best interest of his fellow man kind.
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Did somebody say GW was high?
This is a post-9/11 world. The world has changed.
You cannot compare the past with today's political climate.
This guy has worked ALOT harder than Reagan (R.I.P.) with the War On Terror. Regan had the 'cold war'- this is a REAL war.
, at You cannot compare the past with today's political climate.
This guy has worked ALOT harder than Reagan (R.I.P.) with the War On Terror. Regan had the 'cold war'- this is a REAL war.
In addition to feeling bad for you, Anonymous 2, for having to go without vacation or sick leave, I also sympathize about your frosted balls. That's something no man should have to live through. No wonder you need sick leave. ;-)
A REAL patriot should know that were it not for questioning the sensibilites of spoiled-rich leaders, we wouldn't have a country. Let me ask you this - if your boss took approximately 1.5 years vacation over the course of 4.5 years, would you respect him? Why do you feel the need to keep defending this man? He's a black mark on your party and he's a black mark in our nation's history. Worst. President. Ever.
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Really. Real Patriot. Gimme me a break with the post 9/11 world BS. FDR worked himself to death fighting WWII. A war the Democrats won in less time than Bush has had fighting the war on terror. Bush is a disgrace and his excessive vacationing is a national embarassment.
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typical rich guy, sit on his laurels while "his Children of America" are being asked to work triple time in Afghan and Iraq.
Way to go "W", you set such a great of underachieving and futility(Bring em On)!!
, at Way to go "W", you set such a great of underachieving and futility(Bring em On)!!
That's really rich ... Bush is on vacation so much -because- we're in a tougher war than the country has ever faced?
*laugh* Stop for just a moment and consider what you're saying. Can you honestly repeat that with a straight face?
, at *laugh* Stop for just a moment and consider what you're saying. Can you honestly repeat that with a straight face?
REAL Dork says: This is a post-9/11 world. The world has changed.
You cannot compare the past with today's political climate.
I want to second what others have pointed out -- to say that Bush should be taking more vacation because we're at war is probably the most laughably dumb thing I've heard all week. excellent!
, at You cannot compare the past with today's political climate.
I want to second what others have pointed out -- to say that Bush should be taking more vacation because we're at war is probably the most laughably dumb thing I've heard all week. excellent!
Sorry if I really got anyone angry..
Maybe my sarcasm was too subtle...
But, honestly, the greatest part about it: I made the most asinine comment that I could think of, and it sounded like the typical con troll...
I don't know about you, but I find THAT funny...
, at Maybe my sarcasm was too subtle...
But, honestly, the greatest part about it: I made the most asinine comment that I could think of, and it sounded like the typical con troll...
I don't know about you, but I find THAT funny...
it's been a long week.. needed to entertain myself...
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He could leave the ranch except that sleep-deprived mothers of dead soldiers might jsut have had enough and attack him like zombies looking to eat brains (not that they'll find any in that head.)
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Don't forget what we learned from the presidental debate. It's hard work. Perhaps next time the one that gets elected will be able to actually handle all the hard work without having to vacation like the French... (I've got nothing against the French btw)
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A tip of the old Ten Gallon to Dubya... the "Hardliest Workin' Man in Politics" (with apologies to James Brown)...
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In the real world, we call it "detoxing".
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Not to rain on anyone's parade here but it looks like Reagan didn't hold the all time record. Bush's father has him beat in this one.
"George Bush Sr. took all or part of 543 vacation days at Camp David and in Kennebunkport. Ronald Reagan spent 335 days at or en route to his Santa Barbara, California, ranch during his eight years in office. Of recent presidents, Jimmy Carter took the least days off -- only 79 days, which he usually spent at his home in Georgia. "
, at from:
"George Bush Sr. took all or part of 543 vacation days at Camp David and in Kennebunkport. Ronald Reagan spent 335 days at or en route to his Santa Barbara, California, ranch during his eight years in office. Of recent presidents, Jimmy Carter took the least days off -- only 79 days, which he usually spent at his home in Georgia. "
Considering Bush was a coke-sniffing, alcoholic, neer-do-well, deserter the first 40 years of his pathetic life, America is lucky to get any honest work out of this failed criminal
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This guy has worked ALOT harder than Reagan (R.I.P.) with the War On Terror. Regan had the 'cold war'- this is a REAL war.
Is that right? All this time I thought it was "Mission Accomplished".
But hey, it's OK. Your man's credibility is in its last throes.
, at Is that right? All this time I thought it was "Mission Accomplished".
But hey, it's OK. Your man's credibility is in its last throes.
This criminal President Bush should be spending more vacation time in Leavenworth Prison .
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If one never actually works, it's all a vacation.
Bush is noble, ah, that is nobility.
Until we, the people, begin to actually choose leadership by joining or establishing political parties of our own making, not beholding to corporate interest, we'll keep getting what we've been getting.
Begin now by reviewing the rules and laws of your state about how to establish a party of the people.
Want one already there? Use Reform. The Reform National Committee won a little know court case in the Florida Supreme Court in Nove 04, to be recognized as a political party despite it's lack of a big big central office, a DC legal team, political consultants, massive corporate donations or elected congressional members. Reformers see it like this, the only part of the list we wish to change is having congressional members. People are not human resources, nor is our party a resource for corporate gain.
I do political visions, freelance editorial cartoons. For the latest, see
, at Bush is noble, ah, that is nobility.
Until we, the people, begin to actually choose leadership by joining or establishing political parties of our own making, not beholding to corporate interest, we'll keep getting what we've been getting.
Begin now by reviewing the rules and laws of your state about how to establish a party of the people.
Want one already there? Use Reform. The Reform National Committee won a little know court case in the Florida Supreme Court in Nove 04, to be recognized as a political party despite it's lack of a big big central office, a DC legal team, political consultants, massive corporate donations or elected congressional members. Reformers see it like this, the only part of the list we wish to change is having congressional members. People are not human resources, nor is our party a resource for corporate gain.
I do political visions, freelance editorial cartoons. For the latest, see
Does that include Clinton? Everyday he spent in the White House was a vacation.
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I really don't want to argue here because I think that Bush is a liar, a criminal , and possibly guilty of treason but I don't see where in the article I sited above that it states that the figure of 500+ days off for GHW Bush includes his Vice Presidency.
I'm all for seeing GW Bush and his gang behind bars, but we must make our case with logic, reason, and evidence. To rely on anything not only risks discrediting our side but corrupts our position as well.
, at I'm all for seeing GW Bush and his gang behind bars, but we must make our case with logic, reason, and evidence. To rely on anything not only risks discrediting our side but corrupts our position as well.
The last sentence in the above post should have begun, "To rely on anything ELSE..."
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War on terror my ass! He did it for the oil plain and simple. How many other countries like Iraq do people get killed and tortured, yet the world does nothing? I think President Mugabe is a much worse threat to innocent people's lives than Saddam ever was.
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"George Bush Sr. took all or part of 543 vacation days at Camp David and in Kennebunkport.
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Given that a president is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (the world doesn't take weekends, after all, and isn't all in our time zone), and that most "vacations" they take are, in fact, working vacations (which means they are still basically doing all the same things, just not in DC), I think it is hard for any of us to understand their lives to properly be able to criticize them for "vacations."
The other side always finds anything to harp on, though. I remember the republicans making noise about Clinton, too, when he took a break. Sheesh. It's a pretty stressful job and it doesnt exactly pay that great for what is required; I wonder how many of us would be willing to do it?
If you don't like Bush's politics, fine, attack that, but this is a really stupid issue, for either party to attack on.
, at The other side always finds anything to harp on, though. I remember the republicans making noise about Clinton, too, when he took a break. Sheesh. It's a pretty stressful job and it doesnt exactly pay that great for what is required; I wonder how many of us would be willing to do it?
If you don't like Bush's politics, fine, attack that, but this is a really stupid issue, for either party to attack on.
After two years and thousands of casualties, the only Weapon of Mass Destruction ever found in Iraq was Donald Rumsfeld...What will it take for my fellow Americans to see the contempt these pious frauds have for our nation, our flag, and our citizens.
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Personally, I think the presidency should be like any other job in America: 2 weeks vacation for the first five years (but none until after 6 months on the job), and three weeks after five years of service.
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dO poStS tHaT UsE fuNNy cApiTaLIzaTioN gEt yOUr pOinT aCroSS bEttEr? CaN't yOu jUSt aDmIt tHaT tHe iDiOt iS awol?
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REALPATRIOT was being sarcastic (I hope).
Bush deserves to break the record.
He simply does not know the difference between "vacation" and "AWOL".
, at Bush deserves to break the record.
He simply does not know the difference between "vacation" and "AWOL".
maybe we should have Star look into it.. you know spend another couple million to see what ole Bush is up to on his days off GIVE ME A BREAK MISTER ALL CAPS do you have eyes and ears the repubs are no better... money wasting vacation taking tards... the lot of them! you were here like the rest of us WASTING time. That is the problem you don't lead by example you lead with your ever dwindling pocketbook and talk out your.....
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If Katrina had hit Dallas and the oil billionaires instead of poor black New Orleans do you think there would have been a lot more immediate planning, action and concern out of the Bush mob?
Now they are talking $10 Billion in aid. This is disgusting and reprehensible considering this disaster will make 9-11 look like a car accident by comparison in terms of human suffering and damage. 9-11 was a horrible tragedy but it has mainly served as a stupid excuse to go to war in Iraq and make George W a "war" president. How many hundred BILLION has the Iraq "war on terror" (quagmire) cost? And do you feel any safer?
, at Now they are talking $10 Billion in aid. This is disgusting and reprehensible considering this disaster will make 9-11 look like a car accident by comparison in terms of human suffering and damage. 9-11 was a horrible tragedy but it has mainly served as a stupid excuse to go to war in Iraq and make George W a "war" president. How many hundred BILLION has the Iraq "war on terror" (quagmire) cost? And do you feel any safer?
THAT ******** told Diane Sawyer when she asked about the forign response to Katrina that we have not asked others for help??????????? What the hell we give but we can't receive due to the complete arrogance of our Pres. PLEASE!!! TAKE A LONGER VACATION AND LET SOMEONE, ANYONE ELSE TAKE OVER AND HELP THESE PEOPLE.
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Amazing what the left dwells on, vacation days ha. Although, thanks for the humour guys, at least we have another two years of you children crying about Bush. I'll just sit back enjoy the comments and thank god Al Gore lost!
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see, theres your problem.... "thank GOD..."
ever heard of separation of Church and State? apparently not.
Why does the man that has killed more people in his presidency get ANY support whatsoever??? Because you religious, redneck, buck-toothed morons have NO BRAIN IN YOUR HEADS!
Don't support the man just because he's a white christian... clue us in on your reasoning for agreeing with his demonic powers, and lust for dictatorship.
If you cannot tell that Bush is an evil man, then you need to open your eyes, and step foot on the real world.
, at ever heard of separation of Church and State? apparently not.
Why does the man that has killed more people in his presidency get ANY support whatsoever??? Because you religious, redneck, buck-toothed morons have NO BRAIN IN YOUR HEADS!
Don't support the man just because he's a white christian... clue us in on your reasoning for agreeing with his demonic powers, and lust for dictatorship.
If you cannot tell that Bush is an evil man, then you need to open your eyes, and step foot on the real world.
Slightly off the topic of whether president X (regardless of party) should be taking vacations of this extent...
Now, I am not at all for forcing my religion down anyone's throats. I don't mind, however, correcting this certain issue without taking EITHER side (if we're going by data and logic and all...):
Constitution for the United States, Amendment 1:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
We have NO right to tell someone that their declaration of religious sayings are wrong or even inappropriate by citing the constitution; The constitution holds no power over what a person can and cannot say. Come on. Don't cite a government document when things like "there’s your problem" are clearly your opinion.
Let me also word the first part of the amendment in a different way: The way I would translate it (my opinion) is that the government (that would be congress) can make no law respecting an establishment of religion. But wait – that’s what’s there. No laws saying to practice a religion. No laws saying that a religion cannot spread to the extent that the (or any) religion requires.
I believe that this means if we want to push a religion or religious party back, we must do it on our own terms, not involving the government (or its founding documents) at all. Religion cannot be shut up by the government just as journalists cannot be shut up by the government. It's just that way. If it were the other way around, movie stars and the like would have a field day mopping Hollywood with every paparazzi who annoyed them in the least. Yes, I understand that religious zealots are annoying and angering. But in America, it's their right to be that way (don't get me wrong, if they commit a CRIME while being "religiously inspired", certainly punish 'em for it).
On the note about clinging tenaciously to every word the constitution says, has anyone taken a clear look at what Amendment 13 says (right after the first five words)? Please comment on this; The way I read it states that slavery is NOT illegal in every form. That's disturbing. Glad someone has not taken THAT to court (shudder).
In the meantime, perhaps it would be smarter to listen to what the public thinks (hooRAY for politically biased opinions, but still) and push Americans to decide how much vacation should be appropriate within one term (or at least what the max should be).
Please excuse me for being lengthy, but I like when people debate about things; it's a constitutional right. ;)
-Aiden (I KNOW I'll receive responses from this one...can't just leave it 'Anonymous') :)
, at Now, I am not at all for forcing my religion down anyone's throats. I don't mind, however, correcting this certain issue without taking EITHER side (if we're going by data and logic and all...):
Constitution for the United States, Amendment 1:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
We have NO right to tell someone that their declaration of religious sayings are wrong or even inappropriate by citing the constitution; The constitution holds no power over what a person can and cannot say. Come on. Don't cite a government document when things like "there’s your problem" are clearly your opinion.
Let me also word the first part of the amendment in a different way: The way I would translate it (my opinion) is that the government (that would be congress) can make no law respecting an establishment of religion. But wait – that’s what’s there. No laws saying to practice a religion. No laws saying that a religion cannot spread to the extent that the (or any) religion requires.
I believe that this means if we want to push a religion or religious party back, we must do it on our own terms, not involving the government (or its founding documents) at all. Religion cannot be shut up by the government just as journalists cannot be shut up by the government. It's just that way. If it were the other way around, movie stars and the like would have a field day mopping Hollywood with every paparazzi who annoyed them in the least. Yes, I understand that religious zealots are annoying and angering. But in America, it's their right to be that way (don't get me wrong, if they commit a CRIME while being "religiously inspired", certainly punish 'em for it).
On the note about clinging tenaciously to every word the constitution says, has anyone taken a clear look at what Amendment 13 says (right after the first five words)? Please comment on this; The way I read it states that slavery is NOT illegal in every form. That's disturbing. Glad someone has not taken THAT to court (shudder).
In the meantime, perhaps it would be smarter to listen to what the public thinks (hooRAY for politically biased opinions, but still) and push Americans to decide how much vacation should be appropriate within one term (or at least what the max should be).
Please excuse me for being lengthy, but I like when people debate about things; it's a constitutional right. ;)
-Aiden (I KNOW I'll receive responses from this one...can't just leave it 'Anonymous') :)
Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.
Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment.
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
This clearly says that slavery and involuntary servitude are illegal, except if one considers penal servitude as a form of slavery or involuntary servitude. Considering the prison industrial complex, penal servitude certainly is akin to involuntary servitude.
Also, I am a liberal and I feel that if there is a God, he is certainly on my side. I mean all of the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, et al. favor helping the poor, treating others as one wishes to be treated, not casting the first stone, etc.
Just a thought...
, at Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.
Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment.
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
This clearly says that slavery and involuntary servitude are illegal, except if one considers penal servitude as a form of slavery or involuntary servitude. Considering the prison industrial complex, penal servitude certainly is akin to involuntary servitude.
Also, I am a liberal and I feel that if there is a God, he is certainly on my side. I mean all of the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, et al. favor helping the poor, treating others as one wishes to be treated, not casting the first stone, etc.
Just a thought...
Thanking God is not the problem. If you truly are a child of God you cannot put this on or take it off like a coat, it is a part of who you are. GW has passed no laws about his religion or forced it down anyone's throat. It is apart of his being. I think he is a wonderful president a much needed breath of fresh air. Our country was founded on religious beliefs and blessed for it. It becomes very tiring hearing the whining of the liberals everytime something doesn't go their If the election were stolen(ha)..due to fox news announcing Bush the winner...( how many liberals watch fox news anyway.. if they did they would not be liberals.) Thank God!
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Ok OK back to the origional issue. The president should get the same vacation as the majority of Americans...18 days a year. This guy has outdone the French they get on average 39 days a year. certinally wish he was their President they could and Would fire his a** and start over.
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If Bush needs vacations so badly because being President is too much “hard work” maybe he should consider his other career options.
I’m pretty sure that someone must have told Bush that North Korea started shooting long-range test missiles last week. I don’t think this is a good time for our “President and Chief” to take a vacation. Not that he can really do anything like negotiate or enact any type of foreign policy – he’ll just declare war on Korea to solve his problem. Don’t worry about the troops – this will be good for the country by giving Haliburton one more country to work in and this can drive oil prices even higher, so his oil exec friends can earn ever higher profits.
, at I’m pretty sure that someone must have told Bush that North Korea started shooting long-range test missiles last week. I don’t think this is a good time for our “President and Chief” to take a vacation. Not that he can really do anything like negotiate or enact any type of foreign policy – he’ll just declare war on Korea to solve his problem. Don’t worry about the troops – this will be good for the country by giving Haliburton one more country to work in and this can drive oil prices even higher, so his oil exec friends can earn ever higher profits.
I am an Australian. I see all the constant arguments along lines of Democrats vs Republicans and wonder can't you all just stop and think objectively. Bush is a criminal...but I don't think the other side were going to be any better. Its the same in Australia,,,our Prime Minister is a proven liar but the alternative is just as useless. History will look back at these 'leaders' - they will be remembered but none will be considered great. No leader solved the Middle East conflict, no leader brought prosperity, no leader helped the dying in Africa, no leader has improved standards at home let alone in the third world. They just achieve a continuation of the status quo.
Sorry to get on my soap box but once I was proud to be an Australian but now everyone just wants to attack everyone. Wouldn't you think with today's technology and our world view leaders could do more. Imagine if instead of invading countries the army went into a third world country and built roads and irrigation systems and farms and schools and asked nothing in return....what would the terrorists attack. All won over and for no deaths! OK so I am anidealist and a bleeding heart...your turn to attack me. Robert
, at Sorry to get on my soap box but once I was proud to be an Australian but now everyone just wants to attack everyone. Wouldn't you think with today's technology and our world view leaders could do more. Imagine if instead of invading countries the army went into a third world country and built roads and irrigation systems and farms and schools and asked nothing in return....what would the terrorists attack. All won over and for no deaths! OK so I am anidealist and a bleeding heart...your turn to attack me. Robert
so out of the total number of days president (2 terms) howmany of them have been vacation days?
Impeach G W before its too late
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In time of war, The united States only has a part time President?
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, at Acomplia weight loss drug is an anorexic against obesity drugs. It is a cannabinoid receptor antagonist CB1. Acomplia Rimonabant has been found to stop the food enough to help people lose weight, and could also help reduce the urge other unhealthy as smoking.
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The curtain has been torn, and I
Will help to tear it, to the sky,
Because it is the reason keen
That we were set upon this green:
This struggle is ´twixt right and wrong,
Or good and evil, so my song
Reports those as promote this war
Rancid infested at their core.
, at The curtain has been torn, and I
Will help to tear it, to the sky,
Because it is the reason keen
That we were set upon this green:
This struggle is ´twixt right and wrong,
Or good and evil, so my song
Reports those as promote this war
Rancid infested at their core.
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