The Daily Pick

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Story "Bones"

A user named calndrhngitself has decided to post the entire version of my story "Bones" on his Live Journal blog. "Bones" first appeared in Prairie Schooner and Best American NonRequired.

On the train, Omar, twelve, finds it hard to understand the mumbled voice of the conductor who announces the station stops. He likes to talk to his mother on the train, although she doesn't ride with him: it keeps people away. He thinks about his brother and the belt. A woman with a baby sits across from him, and a man dressed in two heavy coats. Give me your belt, his brother had said to him through the broken glass of the warehouse window. What you want my belt for? Just give it here. So, Omar had handed it over and watched as his brother wrapped it around his arm. The boy took out a needle from his sock. Mama's too fat, his brother had said. She eats too much. When he was younger, when he'd handed the belt over, Omar hoped he'd always live with his mother, thought about no matter how old he became, the three of them would still live in the same house. I don't want no skinny-bones mama, he'd said. She isn't a girl. I don't want to sit on the lap of no skinny-bones girl.

Thanks for the link Karen!
posted by Anonymous at 5:52 AM


Hey, I'm calndr. I hope my posting your story wasn't a problem? I read it in the best nonreq 2004, and really enjoyed it.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:01 PM  

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